Color Picker

CSS Color

About Color Picker

What does this “Color Picker” do?

Color picker is a free tool developed by, that helps to select colors and, in some cases, to create color schemes.

A color picker consists of two main components: a color slider and a color canvas. The color slider features a linear or radial gradient of the rainbow's seven colors, which are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. You can select any of the seven primary colors.

The color value selected from the color slider is immediately reflected in the color canvas. The color canvas is created by combining two linear color gradients. First, a linear gradient of the current color, followed by a linear gradient of black. This color gradient mix allows you to select a lighter and darker version of the current color from the color slider.

How does a Color Picker help?

When you're looking for inspiration as a designer or even a hobbyist, certain colors stick out. You want the effect of your inspiring color to be replicated in your design.

Picking colors by eye may yield a 'nearer enough' result, but when it comes to excellence, a color picker online tool can come in handy.

The color picker tool allows you to select the exact color. All you have to do is choose the color you want, and the color codes, including RGB codes, HEX codes, and HSL codes, will be presented for your preference.

With these codes in place, you can define a strict brand framework and create a design manual to help you keep consistency across all channels.