Code to Text Ratio Checker

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About Code to Text Ratio Checker

What does this “Code to Text Ratio Checker” mean?

Code to Text Ratio Checker is free tool by that shows the percentage of a web page's exact text. The HTML code associated with each of your webpages is represented by code, whereas text indicates the actual written text on a web page.

The Code to Text Ratio is an important factor for any website. True, SEO professionals continue to debate the issue and its relevance in terms of search engines. However, code to text conversion is extremely important for websites.

Why “Code to Text Ratio” is Important in SEO?

It is assumed that web crawlers, spiders, and search engines use the code to text ratio to determine the relevance of a page. It is unsure whether search engines use the code to text ratio in their index algorithms. It does, however, make perfect sense that they are. Search engines don't just look at a website's headings and links; they examine the whole site. They must use all metrics when ranking a site, not just a few.

SEOs must carefully examine the code-to-text ratio of their website pages. Google do not want slow or sluggish websites. On the other hand, they want the sites to provide visitors with relevant information in order to generate more traffic. A great site with high-quality content is more likely to be recommended by visitors with similar interests.

The less and clean code and higher text, make it easier for search engines to index websites.

How to Use this “Code to Text Ratio” tool?

To use our code to text ratio checker tool, simply enter your website URL and click the submit button.

The ratio of your website's text and HTML codes will be displayed along with the page size, text size, HTML size, and the percentage of text and HTML.

All experienced webmasters and SEO experts understand that short, concise text is more effective. Shorter pages with the least amount of HTML code and valid text are preferred. However, no set code-to-text ratio has been suggested by search engines.