Plagiarism Checker

Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Check for Plagiarism!


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About Plagiarism Checker

→ What is Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their approval, by incorporating it into your work without giving full credit. Plagiarism, whether intentional or reckless, is a disciplinary offence under every regulation.

→ Importance of Plagiarism Checker

As a content creator, you should monitor on a regular basis to make sure that no one is copying or lauding your stuff without your permission.

Furthermore, you must always run your content through a plagiarism detection tool before publishing it to ensure that it is free of plagiarism.

Why? Because plagiarism is against the law, a breach of journalistic integrity, and, most importantly, a publishing crime.

If you intentionally or unintentionally use plagiarized content, you could face harsh penalties.

And if you work in SEO, you should be aware of SEO content duplication penalties and dropped rankings, as well as lost trust, and other implications.

That is why includes a 100% free plagiarism detector tool - done for you.

→ How to use this Plagiarism Checker

The process to use our plagiarism checker tool is super simple.

Step #1 – Paste your text into the text box.

Step #2 – Click on “Check for Plagiarism” button.

Step #3 – As you click the button, the results will be displayed in a matter of seconds.

If duplicate matches are found, the tool will display the results in percentage form.

% of unique content

% of duplicate content

→ How to Avoid Plagiarism : Art of Ethical Writing

Plagiarism, the act of using someone else's work without proper attribution, not only undermines the credibility of the writer but also infringes upon intellectual property rights.

Here's how to avoid plagiarism and become an ethical writer:

  • Understand Plagiarism

Before learning the prevention techniques, it's important to understand the concept of plagiarism.

Plagiarism may occur in multiple forms including just copying and pasting text, paraphrasing without citation, and lacking to give credit for sources of information.

  • Credit the Owner

Make sure to properly cite any information or ideas you use from a source. Include both in-text citations and a bibliography or reference list.

If you want to use someone else's exact words, put them in quotation marks while giving proper credit.

  • Paraphrase and Improve

Don't just copy and paste lines from a source; instead, rephrase them and try to tweak them. This demonstrates your understanding of the topic.

  • Incorporate own Ideas

Include your own ideas, analysis, and insights in your writing. Including your unique viewpoint demonstrates originality and reduces the possibility of accidental plagiarism.

  • Seek Permission for Copyrighted Content

If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than fair use, you have to first get permission from the owners of the copyright.

Remember that avoiding plagiarism is critical for academic integrity and respecting the work of others. By following the aforementioned rules, you can ensure that your work is unique, properly credited, and illustrates your knowledge of the subject.