Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

What is this Word Counter

Are you tired of manually counting words in your writing? Do you find it challenging to meet strict word limits?

Don't let word counts be a roadblock in your writing journey.

Word Counter is a 100% free tool developed by bestSEOtool that allows you to count the words and characters in your article as well as see how the number of characters and words changes as you type, delete, and edit them.

Look no further, our Word Counter tool is here to revolutionize your writing experience!

Boost Your Writing Productivity

A word counter tool is a useful resource that can help millions of people. 

  • Writers can make sure that they meet specific word count requirements.
  • Students and researchers can properly stick to academic paper word limits.
  • Journalists and bloggers can optimize their content around platform-specific word limits.
  • Translators can determine scheduling and costs based on word counts.
  • SEO professionals can optimize web content for better search engine rankings.

To summarise, anyone who works with written content can benefit from a word counter tool in order to increase productivity.

How to Use this Word Counter Tool

Our word counter tool has a very simple and user-friendly interface and it is extremely easy to use.

Simply paste your text into the given text box, and the tool will run the test and show you the results instantly.

It is developed to provide exact results and figure out how long or short your content is.

We Value Your Privacy

Although it is possible to keep a record of your content that you may have pasted above, but we don’t do that.

When you use our tool, or any of our other SEO tools, we do not keep or view your content.

We guarantee that your content is completely secure and only accessible by you.