Whois Lookup

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About Whois Lookup

What is Whois?

Whois is an internet record listing that shows who owns a domain and how to contact the owner of the domain.

A Whois record includes all of the contact details for the individual, group, or company that registers a domain name.

Each Whois record will normally feature information such as the Registrant's (domain owner) name and contact information, the Registrar's (the company that registered the domain name), the registration dates, the name servers, and the expiration date.

How this Whois Lookup tool can help you in SEO?

The primary goals of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy is to improve your site authority, achieve a high ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), and attract more site visitors. There are plenty of SEO strategies that you can employ to accomplish your goal. One method is to create backlinks from the popular websites in your industry. This whois lookup tool can help you figure out who owns a domain and getting all the contact information of the website owner or administrator, as you will undoubtedly require to pitch them with your content to get a backlink.

Or else, you can use the data to report a specific site for any violations committed against your website. With all of the pertinent information, you can take the necessary steps if legal action is required.

How to Use this Whois Lookup tool?

It's as simple as entering the URL and clicking the "Get Whois Data" button to use this free whois checker tool.

There is no biology behind using our whois checker tool. You just need to enter the URL and hit the button. As soon as you click the button, all information about the owner and domain will be displayed. You can gather information about the owner here, such as country, email, postal code, server location, address, and so on.