HEX to RGB Converter

Enter 6 digits hex color code and press the Convert button:

About HEX to RGB Converter

What is this HEX to RGB converter?

HEX to RGB converter is a free tool developed by bestseotool.pro that helps you to convert HEX color codes to RGB color codes.

It requires a HEX color code value as input and converts it to an RGB value that can be used to stipulate color in a photo editor. Because photo editor typically reflects color in RGB, if you want to use the same colors in your html pages, you will need the RGB values for the hex code. And this is where our color code converter tool comes into play.

What is the difference between using RGB and HEX color codes?

What is RGB? RGB is a light color variety that uses Red, Green, and Blue to portray colors digitally.

What is HEX? HEX is a short form for Hexadecimal and is essentially a short code for RGB color.

A HEX color is a six-digit letter and number pairing. The first two numbers are Red, the middle two are Green, and the last two are Blue.

The RGB color model is a mixing color system in which Red, Green, and Blue lights are combined in varying ratios to replicate a broad array of other colors.

RGB values are typically in the 0-255 range and look something like this: RGB (0, 45, 255).

While the RGB color model is generally used to portray colors in electronic systems such as televisions, printers, and computers, the hexadecimal color model is more commonly used to specify colors in HTML and CSS framework such as web pages.

In terms of functionality, RGB and HEX codes are the same, informing browsers or applications of RGB values. They are both correct, but there is a difference between them. RGB values are integers, whereas HEX codes are hexadecimal numbers. HEX codes are a compressed version that loads faster than RGB values in applications and browsers. There is a slight difference, but you can use either for general purposes.

This is the sole significant difference between the two color systems. Aside from that, RGB and HEX are just different ways of referring to the same thing: red, green, and blue color values.

How to Use this HEX to RGB converter?

Using our HEX to RGB converter is very simple.

All you have to do is to enter the HEX code in the provided space and just click that “Convert” button to get the RGB values for the same color code.

Both RGB and HEX colors denote the same thing: a red, green, and blue color value. HEX and RGB are two color languages that use sets of three numbers to refer to themselves rather than letters. HEX numbers can be utilized in coding, such as when using the CSS file format.

If you want to convert your RGB color code to HEX color code, you can use our RGB to HEX converter to get what you're looking for.